

Days of International Dialogue

Notification on postponement of Days of International Dialogue in 2021

Due to the current pandemic caused by the Covid 19 virus, the Days of International Dialogue planned to be held in 2021 between the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, the Republic of Croatia, the Northern Republic of Macedonia, the Federal Republic of Germany and Montenegro have been postponed until further notice. Orderly maintenance of the Days of International Dialogue will be established when the epidemiological situation allows it, ie when the conditions for their safe maintenance are met.

Interested parties are kindly requested to follow the notifications on our website on a regular basis in order to be informed in a timely manner about news related to the Days of International Dialogue.


Austria Požarevac 23. 4. 2024.
Belgrade 24. 4. 2024.
Wien 22.10.2024.
Wien 23.10.2024.
Germany Požarevac 15.10.2024.
Belgrade 16 - 17.10.2024.
Croatia Zagreb 11. i 12.12.2024.
Bosnia and Herzegovina    
Hungary Segedin 16. 5. 2024.
Senta 7. 11. 2024.

